Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Influence Of The Nigerian Oil Production - 1703 Words

The Nigerian oil production has been an issue that has become a cruse to the people for so many years. According to reports, the oil production has lubricated to Nigeria’s failure because it has damaged the economy as well as the environment and democracy. Anyone would think that a country that has an enormous resource of petroleum would be economically stable but this is not the case in Nigeria. For many years Nigeria has suffered effects directly as well indirectly from the oil industry. For my research I am drawing from two sets of sources. I will be referring to the books that I have researched as my A-sources. The newspaper articles will be referred as my B-sources in this paper. Through out my paper, I will show you how and explain why the media today only reports one side of the story while the books on my geopolitical topic will tell the background to the events occurring. The book, The Influencing Machine: Brooke Gladstone on the Media, written by Brooke Gladstone is a graphic novel that tries to decipher the rapidly changing media business and the way people interact with it. It traces the origins of modern journalism back to the Mayans and walks through the journalistic roots in the cultures of ancient Rome, Britain, and Revolutionary and early America. The book then dives into contemporary media condition. The media has become something that we love and hate at the same time. â€Å"Everything we hate about the media today was present at its creation: its corruption orShow MoreRelatedThe Giant Bomu Oil Field Essay1531 Words   |  7 PagesThe giant Bomu oil field in Ogoni located in Gokana Local Government Area, which has estimated ultimate recovery of 0.311 billion of barrels of oil and a total of 0.608 billion of barrels of oil equivalent including gas, was discovered in 1958 (Aniefiok et al 2013, Amanyie 2006, and Vassilion 2009). 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